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UpbriningTorliila was raised in Ariiel, where she spent much of her time swimming in the bay and later learning how to dance. For a time she worked at the Laughing Breeze Inn in Ariiel. AdventuresTorliila was not a formal member of the explorers in the Kasau Expedition, but stowed away on the Wauv Doisor and ended up a part of the expedition anyway. After discovering that she was on the island Kaliilou da'Lantros put her to work tending bait for fishers in the Taipii Base Camp, a job she would come to resent. Current OccupationAfter her adventure on the Isle of Kasau Torliila returned to Ariiel for a brief time, believing she would return to her life as a dancer. Instead she found the work unsatisfying, and later returned to the Isle of Kasau to start her official fishing goods shop Torliila's Fishing Boutique in Tasii Garden.