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Faujiika is a bit in awe of the other Taipii Gods, their diverse strengths and approaches, and the confidence with which they pursue their goals. Faujiika struggles at times to understand why she was dealt such a path that led her to become a goddess. While some of the other gods explore the world and expand their understanding of it, Faujiika finds trying to piece together world history or understand the deeper rules of magic a bit over her head. Faujiika has attached herself to Naumayus’ cause because she approves of his approach to guiding the Taipii rather than ruling them. His ideals for rulership by ordinary Taipii also appeals to her lack of confidence and fantasies to simply be an ordinary Taipii again. Faujiika deeply wants to have a purpose like the other Taipii gods, and thus frequently spends time traveling through the Taipii cities searching for common people that have common problems that are more of what she perceives “her level” to help out with.