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Musicians and storytellers of the Taipii Bards Guild travel Antilia visiting inns and taverns where they are often accompanied by dancers, jugglers, or acrobats of the MissionThe mission of the bards guild is to delight and entertain audiences with a moral Taipii culture. History and OriginThe culture of Taipii musicians and storytellers extends back to the nomadic Taipii, and nearly all of the Taipii's oldest tales being told around campfires long before the words found their way into written books. While the old stories are entertaining, very few Taipii believe the legitimacy of the older stories as with each telling the stories became more grandiose and exaggerated. Shortly after the establishment of the Taipii city of Chalei, a tale titled "Machiiara's March" became popular among storytellers, a tale which incorporated real-world events, conspiracy, intrigue, and a lot of fiction. The tale wove together a series of "clues" that Dissatisfied with the result, Machiiara rebuked the storytellers for accusing her of malice and demanded the author come forward with evidence of the story's claims. The original author of the story was never discovered, and Taipii bards stopped telling the story. Shortly afterwards a small group of musicians and storytellers started discussing the establishment of a Bards Guild to pursue the collective right to tell fictional stories without drawing the ire of the gods. The Bards Guild was formed, and with the hesitant blessing of the gods (including Machiiara) set to establish some guidelines that would allow bards to tell fantastic fantasy tales in a way that didn't confuse and misinform the Taipii. As part of her agreement in allowing Bards to tell fictional stories involving the gods Machiiara insisted on a distinction between 'storytellers' and 'truthtellers' and encouraged the efforts of the Daura au`Mynros (Students of Yesterday) in forming the Roles
Musical PerformersLutistLutists play a variety of stringed instruments including harps and lutes. Storytellers will often become lutists, as the stringed instruments are easy to play while telling a story. FlutistFlutists play accompanying instruments, which are typically wind-based. Flutists are common for music and dance ensembles and are less common as tellers. BangerBangers play a variety of percussive instruments such as drums, cymbals, and bells. Bangers are typically are a member of a musical or dance ensemble, and banger tellers are rare but not unheard of. TellersStorytellerStorytellers master the performance and art of telling fictional stories to an audience. TruthtellerTruthtellers are master storytellers whose specialty is in telling historical accounts of the Taipii in a way that is engaging while also preserving historical accuracy. While the success and popularity of truthtellers was limited at first, with time the truthtellers were able to research and refine their stories (often with the help of the Guild of Taipii Scribes) to become popular favorites even among tavern goers.
ComposersThe composers role includes creative members of the guild who seek to create new musical compositions and fantasy stories. Most short stories are available in a musical form, and long stories will typically include several musical bits to compliment the story, such that the two creative roles are intertwined. Composers are encouraged by the guild to write stories that provide a simple moral lesson. Customs and Traditions
Guild RelationshipsTaipii Dancers GuildThe Bards guild frequently works with members of the Dancers Guild to coordinate events and performances. Bard guild halls are frequently located adjacent to or near a dancers guild hall. See More: Guild of Taipii ScribesTruthtellers of the Bards Guild work closely with historical scribes of the Scribes guild to provide an accurate telling of historical events. See More: Guild Chapter Halls |