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5. Quotes and Code


To render a quote, use a double-quotation mark directive to start the line, followed by a space.

Style Markup Code Sample
Unattributed Quote
" The quick red Vulan jumps over the lazy brown Koro
The quick red Vulan jumps over the lazy brown Koro
Attributed Quote
! author:"Vacharii" " Did you get your tail caught in the waffle press again?
Did you get your tail caught in the waffle press again?
User Quote
! author-id:1 " Part of the point of the cooking system is that more effort results in foods with stronger positive boosts.
Part of the point of the cooking system is that more effort results in foods with stronger positive boosts.

Code Blocks

Code blocks render text without markup and in a mono-spaced font.

Style Markup Code Sample
> A Dancing Vulan > v > _O_/~ > ~/ ( > )_ > /| _ > _/ |_
A Dancing Vulan v _O_/~ ~/ ( )_ /| _ _/ |_
Info:In addition to code blocks, there is also a markup for presenting inline text without formatting. See the "inline-code" markup in 1. Text Formatting.