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Important Note: Content that is approved will appear publically including published copies of the game, so be careful!
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Use this form to move the link location of the page (I.E. [[lore/plants]] to [[lore/fauna]]. This action can only be performed by moderators and administrators.
Important Note: Moving this page will cause all links to the current page to break. Use this operation with caution.
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Find Page Link
Use this form to move the link location of the page (I.E. [[lore/plants]] to [[lore/fauna]]. This action can only be performed by moderators and administrators.
Important Note: Moving this page will cause all links to the current page to break. Use this operation with caution.
Find Image Link
Use this form to move the link location of the page (I.E. [[lore/plants]] to [[lore/fauna]]. This action can only be performed by moderators and administrators.
Important Note: Moving this page will cause all links to the current page to break. Use this operation with caution.
Code DirectiveCode lines do not receive any additional markup parsing, and will render in a mono-spaced font. > This is a code line
code: This is also a code line.
Data DirectiveThis directive does not render anything, but stores data next to the wiki page which may be used in the game or elsewhere on the page. By default, data is assumed to be in csv format, however json can also be specified. + Rakadynn, Gray, 32, Chalei
+ Vacharii, Blue, 200, Ariiel
data: Rakadynn, Gray, 32, Chalei
data: Vacharii, Blue, 200, Ariiel
! id:"my-data", format="json"
+ {
+ "name" : "Rakadynn",
+ "color" : "Gray",
+ "shopping-list" :
+ [
+ "jidou milk",
+ "cheese",
+ "bread"
+ ]
+ }
Comment DirectiveThis directive will prevent the line from being rendered. // This is a comment
Header Directives
h1: My Header 1
header1: My Header 1
===== My Header 2 =====
h1: My Header 2
header1: My Header 2
===== My Header 3 =====
h1: My Header 3
header1: My Header 3
===== My Header 4 =====
h1: My Header 4
header1: My Header 4
Horizontal Line DirectiveThis directive renders a horizontal line. --
List Directives* Bullet List Item 1
* Bullet List Item 2
* Additional lines on item 2
* Bullet List Item 3
list: Bullet List Item 4
# Numbered List Item
# Numbered List Item
# Additional line on the item 2.
# Numbered List Item
numbered-list: Another List Item
Paragraph DirectivesAll lines that do not start with a recognized directive are treated as paragraphs by default. This is the obvious and 'correct' way to write a paragraph.
p: This explicitly tells the parser to treat this line as a paragraph.
paragraph: This also works the same.
Panel Directivesinfo: Here is some information
magic: This is a magic note
note: This is a note
notice: This is a notice
tip: This is a tip
todo: Don't forget to do this thing.
to-do: Don't forget to do this thing.
warning: This is a warning
Parameters DirectiveThe parameters directive allows authors to pass parameters into the following directive that change how it renders or provides additional content. There are two parameters that can be used on any object: >id< and >hide"< directive will make use of the >author< parameter if specified. ! id:"named-sample"
> This code block has an id associated with it. That means it can be embedded elsewhere.
> This code block will still render when it is encountered, however, as it is not hidden.
! id="embed-sample", hide
> This code block also has an id. It will not be visible unless embedded however,
> as the 'hide' parameter was set on it.
params: id: "named-sample", hide
Quote Directive" This is an unattributed quote.
" quotes can span multiple lines.
quote: This is another unattributed quote.
Quotes can be attributed to a speaker by providing the >author< parameter like such: ! author="Rakadynn"
" That sounds like something I might say.
Sidebar DirectiveSidebars render floating to the right. [ This content will appear in a sidebar.
[ Additional lines and blanks can appear in the same sidebar together.
sidebar: This is another way to render a sidebar.
Table Row DirectiveThe table row directive is not required and has no function. It is only provided for use by authors to make the markup cleaner. |-------------------------
Table Column Parameters DirectiveThis directive sets parameters on the columns of a table. When setting parameters you can use either >:< or >=< between the name and value. Values can be in quotes, but there are no cases where that is necessary for this directive. Currently the only parameter that can be set on a column is 'w' to indicate the cell width. |! w=20% | w=10% | w=30% | w=40% |
|! w=20% | w=10% | w=30% | w=40%
|! w:20% | w:10% | w=30% | w:40%
Table DirectivesTables are identified by the >|< directive, which is also used to separate cells. | A | B | C
| D | E | F
table: A | B | C
table: D | E | F
If the text in a cell is marked as bold, the cell will be rendered in a style that indicates a header. There isn't currently a direct way to indicate more than one line in a cell. To place complex content within a cell, use the parameters directive ! to place an id on a hidden block of content above the table, then embed it in the cell. Example: ! id:"multiline-cell-1", hide
This text
| Some text over here | [[:multiline-cell-1]] | Some more text
By combining table, table column parameters, and table row directives, tables can look as pleasing or as ugly as the author takes the time for. | Apple | Rice | Copper | Blue |
| Kiwi | Wheat | Quartz | Bluish-red |
With Added Header: | *Fruits* | *Grains* | *Minerals* | *Colors* |
| Apple | Rice | Copper | Blue |
| Kiwi | Wheat | Quartz | Bluish-red |
With column widths specified and row indicators |! w:20% | w:30% | w:30% | w:20% |
| *Fruits* | *Grains* | *Minerals* | *Colors* |
| Apple | Rice | Copper | Blue |
| Kiwi | Wheat | Quartz | Bluish-red |