Task - #169 - Refactor SimulationObjectInstance - Keep Reference to SimulationFunctions

Project: Antilia (alpha) Priority:
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Created On: September 25, 2020 Resolved On: -

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Currently SimulationObjectInstance has several functions into which a ServerSimulationFunctions or ClientSimulationFunctions class must be provided. This class will never change after activation, so it makes sense to have the instance simply store a reference to this class and clean up all the function calls that reference it.

The instance should also provide access to these classes as it is really the component classes that make use of these features.

Consider this change carefully - are we really cleaning things up or are we sewing confusion? Is there a better way to provide access to these functions without needing to pass a reference around?

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Friday, September 25, 2020

Priority changed from
 Low to
Reason:This is blocking progress on rebasing SimulationObjectInstance onto SceneObject.

New Task Created!

Currently SimulationObjectInstance has several functions into which a ServerSimulationFunctions or ClientSimulationFunctions class must be provided. This class will never change after activation, so it makes sense to have the instance simply store a reference to this class and clean up all the function calls that reference it. The instance should also provide access to these classes as it is really the component classes that make use of these features. Consider this change carefully - are we really cleaning things up or are we sewing confusion? Is there a better way to provide access to these functions without needing to pass a reference around?
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