Task - #116 - Add and Implement "Page Alias" System

Project: Antilia Website Priority:
New Feature
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Created On: January 4, 2020 Resolved On: -

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The addition of the comments system has brought to light an oversight in how the website internally references wiki pages. Pages are looked up based on the page name, which can be changed. Which means that if a comment is made on a wiki page (or any other activity) and then the page name is changed, those comments and activity are lost.

The wiki-page-versions table had the same problem, and we solved it by using the wiki-page-id instead, a sequential number which will never change. We need to switch activity to using this permanent id instead of the name.

To do this I'd like to implement a proper page 'alias' system which can double as a page re-direct system, and then standardize the way page id vs. page aliases behave.

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