Noxious Skunk 

Noxious Skunk

Additional user details will be displayed here in the future.

Noxious Skunk's Profile Page

Hey everyone, welcome to my profile page! You may know me as Vaila da'Tasiiama, which is my Vulan Character. I'm also the person who runs the Weekend Challenge on the Antilia Discord Server. It usually runs every Friday till Sunday, and you're welcome to join on in the fun!

Tip:Keep caution when Vaila is fishing. She may hook your Tefio or Linau off you.
Don't tempt me, or I'll give you a Tasiiama Tail Slap!
Warning:Your Tefio/Linau has just been hooked by Vaila! It is best not to move, and just simply let it get fished off you!